“Find X”
But is that really the point?
Part 1
As it seems, we can never stop finding ‘x’, even out of maths class.
How do we find something that we do not know the value of? How can we find something that is not definitive. So, what is ‘x’. In maths, x is a variable. It could be 1, 6 maybe even 5000. It could be anything. It is interchangeable, and is probably the most well known symbol. We don't really associate it with anything else, other than, possibly buried treasure. But, how does that relate to me in the slightest? It doesn't. X is but a symbolic figure of something that could be anything. You can square it, multiply it, or do whatever. You may not know what ‘x’ represents, but you will know what it means. You don’t need to know the numerical value of ‘x’ to solve the maths equation. Which is why, to me, x is not important.
What matters, is what's around it. No one uses algebra in the equation and not get the sum, after all, ‘x’ is just a tool to find the correct answer, there can always be many solutions anyway.
Part 2
Perhaps it's the shape, perhaps its form. Maybe, it’s just common, but why do we symbolise finding ‘x’, as finding the solution, when what you are looking for rarely is ‘x’. Could we be focusing on the wrong thing? Why must I spend all my time looking for a variable, that changes with the surrounding things.
Ah right, the surrounding things.
Focusing on the ending is never good. You would never read just a book’s ending. You would never only use the last steps of a recipe. What matters even more, is the things before. The things you do while finding ‘x’. What were the ingredients, what were the words. The sentences the spaces, and the things in between. Perhaps, finding ‘x’ isn't nearly as important as we thought.
Was winning the debate competition more important? Or learning about the topic. Was it more important to eat the final dessert? Or to have fun making it.
Was finding ‘x’ more important, or was it more important to savour working it out?
Part 3
People all around the world, no, more, like the universe and parallels beyond our imagination, are looking for x. We are finding the ending that we desire, what we want to make in this world. The reason for our imagination, the reason for our curiosity. You could find ‘x’ and never know. X is a variable. It takes all sorts of forms and sizes.
What I’ve realised, is that to find ‘x’, you have to find out what you know. The only way to solve it, is to observe what's around. Surrounding yourself with the right tools of the equation, the right ingredients, companions, is what leads to you finding x.
Does it really matter though?
Part 4
It's nice to know you have made the ultimate impact, and have achieved what you wanted to. But isn't it better to set the goal more loosely? I suppose it’s an odd philosophy, but I don’t think setting a life goal is a good way to go for me. Could it be that, it’s better to not know what the goal is. I don't want to find the sense of accomplishment so easily. I hope to not survive, but thrive, and be the best I can be. I want to find the ending that I may find along the way, because in order to succeed beyond expectations, you mustn’t set such tight bounds for what you might expect.
The question of “finding x”, is one I cannot answer, and one that I hope to question for years and years to come. I wish to long to find it, and try to find something much more significant. Perhaps, the question should not be to find x, but instead to find out “y”.